Classification of back pain
- Neck pain - pain in the neck;
- Cervicocranial pain - pain in the neck that spreads to the head;
- Cervicobrachial pain - pain in the neck that radiates to the arms;
- Chest pain - pain in the back and middle of the chest;
- Low back pain - pain in the lower back and/or lumbosacral region;
- Lumbar pain - pain in the lower back that radiates into the legs;
- Sacrodynia - pain in the sacrum area;
- Coccydynia – Pain in the tailbone.
causes of back pain
spinal degenerative disease
spinal abnormalities
- Spina bifida.Closed pathology manifests as local moderate pain in the lumbosacral region, often accompanied by sensory and reflex disorders and muscle hypotension.
- Sanctify.Congenital spinal anomaly, in which the fifth lumbar vertebrae is completely or partially fused to the sacrum, is a fairly common condition that is usually asymptomatic but may be associated with pain in some patients. In the early stage of the disease (around 20 years old), pain occurs after excessive physical activity, falling or jumping, radiating to the lower limbs, and sometimes accompanied by abnormal sensation. Generally, the pain decreases when you lie down and worsens when you sit on your heels, jump, or stand. Delayed pain syndrome is caused by secondary changes in the joints and vertebrae. The pain occurs in middle age or old age and is usually limited to the lumbar area.
- Lumbarization.Congenital anomalies, in which the first sacral vertebra partially or completely separates from the sacrum and "turns into" an additional (sixth) lumbar vertebra, is the cause of presentation in approximately 2% of all back pain cases. Signs of pathology appear at a young age. Clinical manifestations depend on the form of lumbarization. In lumbar spondylosis, patients suffer from lower back and spinal pain, which can be relieved by taking NSAIDs. A characteristic feature of sciatic nerve form is pain that radiates to the buttocks and lower limbs. In some cases, violations of skin sensitivity in the thigh and waist area are detected.
- The vertebrae are wedge-shaped.Wedging vertebrae is a congenital and less common acquired abnormality that can cause spinal deformity and back pain. Patients complain of increased fatigue, back discomfort, and pain during physical activity. Depending on the location of the pathology, these symptoms may include headache and shortness of breath.
acquired spinal deformity
back injury
- Injuried.When bruising occurs, back pain is usually localized, moderate, subsides in a few days, and is completely gone 1-2 weeks after the injury.
- Traumatic spondylolisthesis.Traumatic vertebral displacement most commonly occurs in the lumbar region. The patient complains of moderate or severe pain in the waist that radiates to the legs. Spinal synapse diagnosis is painful, and axial load symptoms are positive.
- Spinal compression fractures.Injuries are often caused by jumping or falling from a height. Trauma will be accompanied by severe pain; when the thoracic spine is fractured, there will be severe pain in the middle of the back, often accompanied by difficulty breathing. Subsequently, the patient complains of pain in the protruding area of the damaged vertebra, sometimes radiating to the abdomen. The pain decreases when lying down and worsens when coughing, taking deep breaths, exercising, and standing, sitting, and walking.
Inflammation and infectious diseases
spinal tumors
Risk factors for developing back pain
- professional(Work associated with lifting heavy objects, static loads on the spine, monotonous physical work including frequent forward bending and turning of the body, work accompanied by vibration processes);
- psychosocial(Muscle pain due to exposure to acute and/or chronic stress conditions);
- Personal physical and physical characteristics(Scoliosis, kyphosis and other spinal deformities, weak muscle strength, monotonous and stereotyped movements);
- Malnutrition and gastrointestinal disease(B vitamin malabsorption, eating foods containing a large amount of purine bases, being overweight);
- bad habits(Smoking, drinking).