Patients often see their doctor to understand why their lower back is painful. Many times, those who spend a lot of time in their summer homes, their gardens, face this pain syndrome. People are constantly renovating their houses, leaving no stone unturned on the plots, thereby compromising their health. After a day or two of hard work, it is now impossible to straighten up without pain. However, in some cases, pain indicates the presence of other conditions. To determine an appropriate treatment strategy, the underlying cause of the pain must first be identified.
Likely factors: Is it all serious?
To find a good solution to a problem, you first need to identify its cause. Pain on the left and right sides of the lower back and even cause low back pain, if kidney function and health are impaired, osteochondrosis occurs, and neuralgia is observed. There is a possibility of acute pancreatitis. Each of the described conditions requires a thorough treatment approach and consultation with a doctor is recommended. Trying to choose a course of treatment on your own will damage your health and make it worse. If you go to the doctor, he will assess symptoms at reception, formulate an initial diagnosis and send him to research that will confirm or disprove the hypothesis.
kidney injury
If the back of the lower back is very painful, it may be pyelonephritis. The term refers to the formation of foci of inflammation in an organ. Glomerulonephritis can be diagnosed if the disease is non-infectious. Sometimes pain syndromes indicate stones in the kidneys and ducts. Their production and movement can cause considerable discomfort.
The disease usually develops in the context of hypothermia, which may precede a cold. Notably, people who adhere to a strict diet are more likely to develop kidney disease. In many ways, the symptoms of kidney disease are similar to a condition known as a "back tear. "There are a number of specific symptoms that allow you to more accurately identify the pathology. If the kidneys are ill, feeling does not depend on load, activity, and exercise. Many people have a fever, their urine becomes cloudy, and their shadows change. Some people notice an increased urge to urinate, and the process itself is painful. Tap with the edge of the hand close to the kidney, and a sharp soreness develops in the area.

How can I help myself?
If a man, woman, child has low back pain, and if there is reason to suspect kidney disease, it makes sense to contact the local doctor and call him at home. The kidneys are an extremely important element of human function, so an unacceptable risk is unacceptable. While waiting for a specialist to arrive, you can try to lessen the symptoms of the disease. Patients lie down or sit as comfortable as possible, and if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, they will be given ways to reduce heat. To relieve pain, you can take antispasmodics. If the patient needs to change position, he should get help. In addition, monitoring blood pressure and body temperature is reasonable.

It happens that people are sure they know for sure if the lower back hurts and what to do: you need to apply a hot compress right away or put the patient in a hot bath. In the case of kidney disease, such procedures are strictly prohibited. Any rewarming can drastically worsen the patient's condition. If a person has pyelonephritis, this activates the inflammatory focus. The patient's task is to wait for the arrival of a professional. The doctor will examine the patient and recommend further measures.
If there is pain in the lower back, whether in men, women, or children, the cause may be pancreatitis. If the soreness surrounds and feels like it is coming from the left half of the body, the flank area, it can be suspected to be pathological. Can cover back, abdomen - this creates pain rings. For some people, pancreatitis can cause severe pain near the belly button. If the pathological progression is atypical, the patient has back pain - lower back and slightly higher back. This nature of pain syndrome localization often leads to a false initial diagnosis.
Assuming pancreatitis, it is necessary to call the doctor. While waiting for the specialist, you will have to completely refuse food - during the inflammatory process, food can dramatically worsen the condition. Nursing staff should help patients adopt comfortable positions; provide comfort and tranquility to one person as much as possible. Drink a little water without additives, but only in moderation. It is advisable not to leave the patient and to constantly monitor changes in the condition until a specialist arrives. It is believed that the pain diminishes slightly if you curl up in a position specific to the embryo.
If the back of the lower back is very painful, the cause is most likely a disease of the articular cartilage that connects the elements of the spine. The pathological process is related to the compression of nerve roots - this is the source of pain. According to doctors, any of our fellow citizens over the age of 30 has a high chance of developing the disease. In recent years, osteochondrosis has been increasingly diagnosed in young adults and detected in adolescents.
Painful episodes can be caused by lifting heavy objects and being in forced, uncomfortable positions for long periods of time. The likelihood of developing the pathology is higher if a person drives a car for a long time in their daily life, is sedentary, and moves very little. If the pain syndrome spreads to the legs and the lower back feels nagging, osteochondrosis may be suspected. The pain will increase if you try to move. This is accompanied by simple changes in any load and body position. Shooting, a burning sensation is possible. Osteochondrosis can be replaced if the sensitivity of the hips and legs is reduced, which is difficult to change if a stable posture is maintained for a long time. For many people, thermoregulation in the extremities is disturbed, the legs sweat profusely, and the cold sensation is disturbing.

Features of Cases and First Aid
If the back, lower back, spine is injured, but there is no temperature, and it behaves similar to the above, if it is determined that the cause of the pain is the spine, you can use the first aid method in a simple way. Cover the affected area with a warm wool shawl or tie with a warm scarf and lie down on a hard, flat surface. In the absence of the effectiveness of these measures, a non-hormonal ointment can be applied to the lower back to relieve the inflammatory process. Doctors may use non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs for systemic treatment. Usually, medicines containing meloxicam and ibuprofen are prescribed.
Do not take pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs on an empty stomach. The active ingredients contained in the drug will stimulate the gastric mucosa, which can cause peptic ulcer disease and gastritis.
If it is not certain that the cause of the pain is osteochondrosis, it is necessary to see a doctor for a diagnosis. Improper self-medication with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs will definitely make the condition worse. This is especially true if the patient has pancreatic disease (invasion of the gastrointestinal tract).
Safety first
If your back hurts in your lower back, your doctor will tell you what to do. You can't try to "set" the spine, it will make the pain worse and potentially cause serious damage to the back. If the osteochondrosis has entered the acute phase, warm-up should be avoided. Hot baths are not allowed. We will have to give up the sauna and bath. Warming up at first gives a sense of relief, but soon the pain is rejuvenated. If symptoms indicating osteochondrosis occur frequently, you will need to make an appointment with a neurologist. Your doctor will recommend an MRI for you. A picture like this will allow you to assess the condition of your lumbar spine and determine how best to deal with the underlying cause of your pain.
If osteochondrosis causes pain during physical exertion, and the person takes anesthetics or drugs to stop inflammatory activity, the situation may soon improve. Even if the pain is completely gone, you should not go back to your previous activities. The patient's back should be rested for a period of time. The best option is bed rest.

Pain in the lower back can manifest itself in many different ways - when they lie on their backs, when they walk, when they bend over. In some cases, the cause is an inflammatory process that affects nerve fibers. Neuralgia can be assumed by a presentation similar to the symptoms of osteochondrosis described above. With any physical activity, there is an immediate pain response in the back, even slight movements are difficult for the patient, and the need to move can cause fear. There are a number of features that can make us wonder what exactly is causing the pain and distinguish neuralgia from nerve endings that are sensitive to the spine.
With osteochondrosis, a person is subconsciously afraid of moving because the back can bring pain to any movement. Neuralgia also has this feature, but the soreness spreads along the nerve that caused it, a feeling itself described by patients as a twitch. When a person is calm and motionless, there may be unpredictable remissions and returns of soreness. Sometimes, in the context of neuralgia, twitching, muscle pain, and changes in skin color can be disturbing. In some cases, the work of the sweat-producing glands is disturbed. With the pressure on the back, the pain immediately covers both halves of the body symmetrically.
Help function
If you have pain in your back or lower back, only a qualified doctor will tell you what to do. Pain syndrome caused by neuralgia is difficult to rule out, and measures are needed to improve the patient's condition, because persistent pain can cause mental deviations. To relieve pain slightly, doctors prescribe non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, they prefer to use drugs containing ibuprofen and meloxicam. The patient is at rest.
If a patient sees a doctor for back pain, the lower back, and what to do, should be decided by a qualified specialist. Depending on the specifics of the case, hospitalization may be recommended. Take this action if the feeling is very strong. In a hospital setting, novocaine will be used to block those in need.
Features and Pain Points
There was also a guy who ripped his back off and injured his lower back. The doctor will tell you what to do in this case. This will depend on the severity of the damage. Sometimes rest is enough, in other cases the help of a surgeon is required. It is well known that after prolonged exercise or unreasonably high loads, soreness is usually accompanied by a period of rest. Pain may be caused by clumsy, unsuccessful movements. People who are stressed, and those who sit for long periods of time due to the nature of their work, especially in front of a computer, are known to complain more often about pain. Those who train too aggressively, stand for long periods of time, and are overweight often experience back pain. Low back pain almost always accompanies pregnancy and is disturbed for some time after the birth of the child.
There are also cases where, in general, you don't need to figure out what to do: The lower back is sore, but weak, and it all goes away on its own over time. If the attack is one-off, not too intense, and there is an obvious causative factor (for example, long hours at the mountain resort), you just need to give yourself a break and wait for the pain to go away. If the pain comes with an episode, a period, a prolonged worry, you need to talk to your doctor because you can't tell for yourself what's causing the sensation.
Reason: Primary and Secondary
Primary pain is observed if spinal disease is present. This syndrome is possible if a person has developed spondyloarthropathy, spondylosis. Possible hernia or protrusion. Secondary pain syndromes accompany fractures, neoplastic processes, prolonged muscle tension. This pain may be caused by diseases (kyphosis, arthritis, tuberculosis), possibly spinal stenosis, osteomyelitis and malignant processes. Ovarian cysts, endometriosis may cause low back pain. The doctor must figure out all the factors of the case and examine the patient's condition in order to figure out what to do. Low back pain in patients with cystitis, scoliosis and osteoarthritis. Scheuermann-Mau disease can cause pain. In some women, pain indicates complications during pregnancy.
Do you want to go to the doctor immediately?
There are certain signs of pain that need qualified help as soon as possible. So, if you have pain in your lower back when you walk, aggravated by coughing or sneezing, and the sensation spreads to your lower extremities, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist. It can also help if there is pain in the lower back, dullness, back pain, pain that spreads to the legs, is more pronounced when coughing and moving. Likely, these symptoms indicate sciatica, but a person needs the most prompt help from a doctor, so you should not delay contacting the clinic.
If your back hurts in the lower back, a trauma doctor can tell you what to do if the sensation comes in the context of a muscle stretching or lifting an object that is too heavy. For these reasons, as well as pain from hypothermia and exposure to drafts, a cream that activates blood flow at home for three days first is required. If your condition does not improve during this time, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

measures and timing
For three days, you can try to help yourself with back pain, low back pain. According to doctors who know what to do if their back hurts in the lower back, it's more common in people who are forced to work hard because of their activity. The pain usually goes away on its own within a few days after exercise, although in rare severe cases it can last for several weeks. In order to relieve the condition, it is necessary to use analgesics and allow yourself to rest. It is necessary to find out by experimentation where the pain is weakest. You should put yourself on bed rest for the first two days. If the sensation does not go away within three days, it is recorded by a doctor.
A possible pain syndrome in the context of myositis. This pathological process is usually preceded by hypothermia or severe muscle tension. The area reacts stiffly and feels sharp, especially when trying to move. Your doctor will also best tell you what to do if your back hurts in the lower back for this reason. Doctors recommend taking a hot shower first, finding suitable warm clothing, and giving up any physical activity entirely. For the first three days, use an ointment that relieves the inflammatory process and relieves pain. If the feeling does not subside, make an appointment with your doctor.
Chronicle and Radiation Pain
If your low back pain is caused by spondylosis, the doctor will tell you after carefully evaluating the patient's condition. The disease presents as an intense severe pain syndrome with lower back pain, weakness and numbness in the legs. When these manifestations occur, you should make an appointment with a neurologist immediately.
Ankylosing spondylitis can cause pain. A possible cause is metabolic failure or tumor pathology. In any of these options, you cannot help yourself, you will need to consult a qualified specialist and perform a detailed physical examination.

It has also been determined that the pain is located in the lumbar spine, but the real cause is internal organ dysfunction. Radiation pain may be present if lesions are located in the pelvis, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. Often pain causes cancer in the lower back. If symptoms persist for more than three days, if there is a previous injury, if in addition to the lower back, the foot and calf are also injured, it is impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor. In the case of pain accompanied by numbness of the limbs and the groin area, the doctor should not be delayed.
How to check?
If you have low back pain in the morning, this can be considered a good reason to contact a specialist. First, you can see a local therapist. Physicians will provide guidance on tests and instrumentation, and redirect to highly qualified physicians based on case details. The most accurate diagnosis is usually made by a neurologist. To do this, you'll need the results of an MRI, ECG, and ultrasound. Blood and urine samples are checked in the laboratory. In some cases, it is necessary to investigate a spinal tap and, if malignant disease is suspected, a tissue sample for biopsy.
How will they be treated?
Many people are afraid to go to the doctor with a sore lower back in the morning because they believe the doctor will send them for surgery right away. Today, there are many effective treatments for various spinal disorders. There is a way to use waves and magnetic fields. It may help administer a drug designed to treat joints. Rehabilitation simulators are designed to quickly restore mobility. Doctors do blockades when there is severe pain and when inflammation and cramping need to be stopped.

Medications for back pain include taking oral and injectable medications. This treatment is often combined with physical therapy - which improves the outcome. Medications are prescribed to relieve swelling, relieve stiffness, and remove inflammatory foci. Since all such drugs have extensive contraindications and possible side effects, their use for self-medication is strictly prohibited.